The Gama Lobo Xavier, Luis Teixeira e Melo e Associados law firm was informally created in Guimarães in January of 1978 and was incorporated in May 1989 by the partners Gama Lobo Xavier and Luís Teixeira e Melo.
Its genesis embodies a long and profound professional and personal relationship between the two founding partners, which began in the second half of 1971, which extended and deepened to their direct descendants and, gradually but surely, opened to new partners and associates.
Lord of enormous legal culture, the result of attention, rigor and continuous persistence, knowledgeable, like few others, of the most varied jurisprudential and doctrinal currents, which he avidly apprehended and wrote down in his Codes. He devoted himself heart and soul to the service of her cases and the people who were involved in them, without ever denying total, albeit demanding, collaboration to colleagues who needed it, in profession and in life.
In our legal practice, we combine tradition and innovation. With a team of qualified and experienced professionals, GLX LTM has been acting multidisciplinary and transversally in all areas of law and serving all aspects of business.
We favour the relationship of trust and transparency with our Clients, Colleagues, and other partners, with whom we share risks and intend to maintain lasting relationships. With total independence, commitment is our watchword in the uncompromising defense of the rights of our clients.
The growth of GLXLTM is based on the deontological rigor and procedures for meeting the expectations of its clients and by requiring the technical and scientific knowledge of its partners and collaborators.
In this line, in 2007 the Firm began the implementation of a quality management system within the scope of the “Provision of Advocacy Services” according with the norm NP EN ISO 9001:2000, having in December 2008 that system recognized and certified in accordance with the NP EN ISO 9001:2008 and is currently certified in accordance with the NP EN ISO 9001:2015.
All employees are committed to improving the provision of services to client’s satisfaction, ensuring the defense of rights, freedoms and guarantees, professional secrecy and confidentiality, good law enforcement and the administration of justice, integrity, independence, compliance with the provisions of the Statute of the Bar Association and loyalty to judicial operators.