Restructuring and Insolvency


GLX LTM has a specialized and experienced team in corporate restructuring processes, pre-insolvency, and insolvency proceedings, able to provide advice to companies and accompany them in their operational or financial restructuring. The advisory board covers all areas associated with recovery and restructuring, including labor, competition, corporate, financial, tax, and furthermore, the legal follow-up of recovery plans and restructuring measures, in order to assure the compliance with the legal rules.

Remaining permanently updated regarding national and Community legislation applicable to restructuring, keeping up with the more recent doctrine and jurisprudence. Our lawyers participate in numerous congresses, lectures and juridic publications about the theme, such as, “As Compensações Laborais em Face do Regime Insolvencial: A Insolvência das Massas Insolventes (in RDI, 2019), Exoneração do passivo restante e causas de indeferimento liminar do despacho inicial (I Colóquio de Direito da Insolvência, 2015), A Insolvência de Pessoas Singulares (Boletim da Ordem dos Advogados, 20), Da exoneração do passivo restante (Jurisprudência A a Z – Insolvência, Nova Causa, 2012)”.

GLX LTM has a vast experience in executing solutions of company restructuring adequate to the specific needs of each reality and to allow, inter alia, to resize and restructure operating, labor, tax, financial and real estate costs.

In this sense, GLX LTM follows processes of downsizing, merger, demergers, transmission of the establishment exonerating the passive, relocation, or liquidation.

GLX LTM provides advice to companies and groups enabling their viability and the restructuration of their passive.

Due to our experience, we are aware of the best proposal of solutions to restructure and present to creditors, according with the nature of the creditor and the debt, patrimonial situation, financial and the company passive situation and, as well, to the process objectives.

In these processes, GLX LTM has, as well, a vast experience in the negotiation of the debt refinancing, intervening in deals negation of standstill, the granting of new financing, asset sales and debt conversion, as well as the analysis of the guarantees to be provided.

In this process of the passive restructuration, we benefit of accumulated experience in monitoring the preparation of the restructuring plan, in order to ensure compliance with the applicable legal rules and ensure that the Plan meets the conditions to be ratified judicially.

We have experience in the analysis of the solvability of the debtor and in the counselling the adoption of solutions in order to recuperate the company, namely through pre-insolvency processes (judicial and extra-judicial) and insolvencies – PER, RERE, PEAP and insolvency.

Within the scope of these processes, GLX LTM is experienced in monitoring the elaboration of the restructuring plan, in order to ensure compliance with the applicable legal norms and ensure that the Plan meets the conditions to be approved in court.

In addition to advising debtors, GLX LTM also has experience in advising investors with innovative solutions aimed at recovering the economic unit and promoting its viability, through reorganization operations by transmission, mitigated measures of recovery versus liquidation, capital inflow, among others.

As a result of its long experience in the area, GLX LTM has developed a recovery process management platform (PIRE, PER, RERE) in order to allow stakeholders to have access to procedural information and, in this way, ensure full compliance with the growing obligations of provision of information imposed on companies in recovery.

From the creditor’s point of view, GLX LTM adopts the best strategies for credit collection and recovery, analyzing the characteristics of the credit and the relative position in relation to others, in order to ensure the maximization of credit returns.

GLX LTM analyzes the potential and actual liabilities (corporate, tax, labor and criminal) of directors and managers of insolvent or pre-insolvent companies, following up, where applicable, their respective insolvency proceedings.