Gonçalo Gama Lobo



Has been part of GLX LTM since 1989.

Partner since 2000, he coordinates the Restructuring and Insolvency and Litigation and Arbitration departments. His professional experience includes advising and representing companies in pre-insolvency and insolvency proceedings, namely regarding their recovery and restructuring in the employment, tax, financial and real estate spheres.

In the field of corporate, commercial, and M&A law, he has actively participated in several acquisition and sale operations, restructuring, mergers, and divisions of commercial companies.

At the same time, it provides advice on carrying out banking and financial operations, having already acted on behalf of banking entities and individuals. He also has experience in arbitration, insolvency, and commercial litigation.

In addition to these matters, it provides legal assistance in sports and related matters, predominantly in extrajudicial and arbitration subjects.


Law Degree, Escola do Porto, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, concluded in July 1989.


Attended the curricular part of the “Postgraduate studies in Business Law”, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, concluded in 2003.


Lawyer registered in the Ordem dos Advogados (Portuguese Bar Association), since October 7th, 1991, bearer of Professional License No. 4117-P;

Member of the Círculo de Advogados de Contencioso (Litigation Lawyers Circle).


Guest Professor by Universidade Portucalense in Specialization Courses and Advanced Training in Insolvency Law;

Guest Professor by Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave in Master Courses;

Guest trainer within the scope of CCAJ – Comissão para o Acompanhamento dos Auxiliares da Justiça (Commission for the Monitoring of Justice Assistants);

Chairman of the board of the Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo do Vale do Ave/Tribunal Arbitral (Consumer Dispute Arbitration Center of Vale do Ave/Arbitration Court), appointed by the Ordem dos Advogados (Bar Association);

Board member of the Instituto das Sociedades de Advogados (Management of the Institute of Law Firms), in the three-year period 2003/05 and 2005/07;

Board member of the Associação das Sociedades de Advogados de Portugal, in the three-year period 20011/13;

Secretary of the Delegação de Guimarães da Ordem dos Advogados (Guimarães Delegation of the Bar Association) between 1996 and 1998;

Rapporteur appointed by Conselho Deontologia do Porto da Ordem dos Advogados (Oporto Deontology Council of the Portuguese Bar Association) in 2003 and 2004;

Member of the Treasurer of the Conselho Deontologia do Porto da Ordem dos Advogados (Oporto Deontology Council of the Portuguese Bar Association), in the 2005/07 triennium;

President of the Conselho de Deontologia do Porto (Oporto Deontology Council) in the 2008/10 triennium;

Was elected delegate to the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and ninth Congresses of the Ordem dos Advogados (Portuguese Bar Association);

Member of the Arbitration Commission of the Federação Portuguesa de Futebol (Portuguese Football Federation);

Chairman and Member of General Meetings and Audit Committees of several commercial companies;

Referee registered in the Associação Portuguesa de Arbitragem (APA) (Portuguese Arbitration Association).


Board President

Avançada, SA: 2004 – present;

Ribeiro Faria & Cia, SA: 2006 – 2007;

Aguilare – Indústria de Calçado, SA: 2006 – 2009;

Calrifar – Indústria de Calçado, SA: 2006 – 2009;

Jefar – Indústria de Calçado, SA: 2006 – 2009;

Jefar – Participações, SGPS, SA: 2006 – 2009;

Eugénio Faria & Ribeiro, SGPS: 2006 – 2007;

Jefar Imobiliária, SA: 2006 – 2009;

Pininvest – SGPS, SA: 2006 – 2022;

Lingote – Alumínios, SA: 2009 – 2019;

Custódio Mendes & Mendes, SA: 2009 – 2015;

Fabricgate – SGPS, SA: 2014 – present;

RTE, SA: 2014 – present;

Alavanca Azul – Gestão Imobiliária, SA: 2014 – present;

Holdpam – SGPS, SA: 2017 – present;

Vertente Sólida, SA: 2017 – present;

Tarhol, SA: 2018 – present;

Celeste Actual, SA: 2018 – present;

Barbosa World Brass, SA: 2019 – present;

Newgoal S.A.: 2019 – present;

Imobiliária Miravaz, SA: 2021 – present;

C. Alimentação, SA: 2021 – present;

Pininvest – SGPS, SA: 2022 – present;

Mundotextil – Indústrias Têxteis, SA: 2022 – present;

Sotorce – Sociedade de Fios Têxteis, SA: 2022 – present;

Vaz Pinheiro Imobiliária: 2022 – present;

Mundotérmica – Sociedade Térmica, SA: 2022 – present.

Board Secretary

Vaz Pinheiro Imobiliária, SA: 2002 – 2022;

Sotorce – Sociedade de Fios Têxteis, SA: 2002 – 2022;

Mundotextil – Indústrias Têxteis, SA: 2002 – 2022;

Mundotérmica – Sociedade Térmica, SA: 2014 – 2022.

President of the Tax Council

Somelos Fios, SA: 1990 – 1991;

Confecções Guima, SA: 199 – 1996;

Somelos Tecidos, SA: 1990 – 1992;

Eugénio Faria & Ribeiro, SA: 1991 – 1993; 1994 – 1996;

Seva – Sociedade Energética de Valdante, SA: 1992 – 1997;

Ribeiro Faria & Cia, SA: 1993 – 1997;

Presidente do Conselho Fiscalda Têxtil Cães de Pedra, SA: 2020 – present.

Member of the Tax Council

Fiafio – Fios Têxteis, SA: 1990 – 1992;

ETA – Empresa Têxtil de Acabamentos, SA: 1990 – 1992.


“As Consequências Laborais da Transposição da Diretiva (UE) 2019/1023: A Lei 9/2022 – (Des)Proteção dos Trabalhadores?”, I Bienal de Direito de Vila do Conde, 2023, Almedina;

“A exoneração do passivo restante depois da Diretiva 2019/2023: A Lei 9/2022″, published in Revista de Direito da Insolvência, n.º 7, 2023, Almedina;

“Anotação ao Acórdão do Tribunal Constitucional n.º 272/2021 (on the spatial limitation of the liability regime of affiliated companies)”, published in Revista de Direito da Insolvência, n.º 6, 2022, Almedina;

“As compensações laborais em face do regime insolvencial: a insolvência das massas insolventes”, published in Revista de Direito da Insolvência, n.º 3, 2019, Almedina;

“Exoneração do passivo restante e causas de indeferimento liminar do despacho inicial”, published in “I Colóquio de Direito da Insolvência de Santo Tirso”, pages 257 , 2014, Almedina;

“A Insolvência de Pessoas Singulares”, Boletim da Ordem dos Advogados, n.º 78, may 2011, pages 30 and 31;

“Da exoneração do passivo restante”, Jurisprudência de A a Z – Insolvência, Volume Especial 2012, Nova Causa – Edições Jurídicas;


